Summary Of The New Mack's Earplugs Range
Noise induced hearing loss can creep up on you without realising it, often in later life, due to prolonged exposure to loud noise. Unfortunately, when this happens the damage is irreversible. The emphasis therefore has to be on preventing this form of hearing loss from happening in the first place. There are ways and means of protecting your hearing; the simplest method is to wear a pair of earplugs when in a noisy setting.
Situations where earplugs come in handy:
- To help protect your ears when listening to live music, at concerts, nightclubs or parties where sound can be damagingly high.
- To help block the noise from power tools at home, such as mowing the lawn or operating a drill.
- To block the noise from motor sports and other noisy recreational activities.
- To protect against loud noise in the workplace.
- To block out distracting sounds when studying.
- To help you sleep when you’ve a partner that snores.
- Can act as a barrier against ear infections for swimmers.
- When flying, earplugs can help regulate the ears after frequent changes in air pressure, if worn for the whole flight.
- Reduce noise levels to a more manageable, less damaging level.
- Seal your ears from water when you swim or shower, reducing the risk of common ear infections often picked up in water-based activities.
- Drift off to sleep despite any snoring from your partner!