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Ménière's Suitable Hearing Aids

Ménière's Treatment with Hearing aids can help those manage the condition when hearing loss is the result of ongoing attacks. We can help you identify the right hearing aid you'll need to effectively manage your impairment.

What Is Ménière's?

Ménière's disease is an uncommon condition that affects the function of the inner ear, leading to vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus and a build-up of pressure within the ear. It often manifests itself initially with sudden attacks, which can last for up to three hours at a time. In reality, it can take days to disappear completely.

Over a protracted period, the vertigo may fade for some people. However, permanent issues with balance, hearing loss and tinnitus can remain or indeed get worse.

The key thing to remember with this kind of disorder is that the symptoms and subsequent discomfort can vary hugely from one individual to another.

As each person’s experience of Ménière's can differ widely, so can the solution, hence the need to speak to a specialist to ensure correct diagnosis of the situation. No one is absolutely sure about what causes Ménière's disease. Evidence indicates that you are at greater risk of suffering from the condition if there is a family history. It is also possible to suffer as a result of a chemical imbalance in your inner ear. Although there isn’t an existing cure for this problem, symptoms can be controlled by diet, exercise, and medication. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

Our guide Ménière's Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment explains further.

Test Your Hearing Online For Free

If you have Ménière's, you can double check your ability to hear with our free online hearing test.

If you haven’t yet received a Ménière's diagnosis, then your first port of call should be a consultation with a medical professional. They will also be able to conduct clinical hearing screenings for a more in-depth assessment of your hearing.

Hearing Aids For Ménière's Disease Treatment

With Ménière's disease, regular monitoring of your hearing status is very important, even more so if you have sensorineural hearing loss. With a permanent hearing impairment, you may wish to consider wearing digital hearing aids.

HD 250 Digital hearing aid

The HD 250 is one of our most popular devices. As an allrounder, this model is designed to help those properly manage mild to moderate hearing losses. This in-the-ear hearing aid is the epitome of discreet as it is so small and lightweight that it's basically invisible. Don't let its size fool you; the HD 250 comes with all the fundamental features you'd require to tackle hearing loss head-on. No longer will you miss out on conversations or your favorite television shows as this device comes with some of the latest technology to enhance the way we listen.

What Else Can Help Manage My Hearing Loss?

At Hearing Direct you will find a selection of amplified products to add greater volume and clarity to your everyday life.
  • Hard of hearing phones - Amplified phones for the hearing impaired have been purposely designed for those with who have difficulty hearing. They come with both a higher ringer and voice volume than standard telephones.
  • Super loud alarm clocks - Loud alarm clocks help the hard to wake and hard to sleep alike. Their alarms pack a real punch and the extra alerting features such as flashing lights and vibrating bed shakers deliver the ultimate call.
  • Amplify your hearing - Assistive listening devices help us enhance the sounds around us. Whether it be the TV, music, or someone speaking, ALDs help capture this sound, amplify it, and direct it you for a louder and clearing listening experience.

About Hearing Direct

We are one of the world's leading hearing aid specialists. HearingDirect offers a wide range of affordable products, and information resources to help improve the quality of life for the hard of hearing. We sell: Don't forget to like our Facebook Page
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